Helpful Sites
Circadian Sleep Disorders Network
The Circadian Sleep Disorders Network (CSD-N) is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of people with chronic circadian rhythm disorders. Their efforts include advocating for accommodations in education and employment for people with circadian rhythm sleep disorders.
Facebook Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder Support Group
A group of 1,100+ Non-24 patients and their loved ones. All of the people who operate this Sighted Non-24 site connected here. We recommend it!
National Sleep Foundation
A short page describing Non-24 from the National Sleep Foundation.
National Organization of Rare Diseases
A collaborative effort between the National Organization of Rare Diseases (NORD) and the Circadian Rhythm Disorders Network and includes information on Sighted Non-24 patients.
Non-24 by Vanda Pharmaceuticals
A description of blind Non-24 by Vanda, the makers of Hetlioz.
Sleep Education
Another short page describing Non-24 from Sleep Education.
A more thorough page describing Non-24, causes, diagnosis, and treatment.
Non-24 on Wikipedia
A crowd-sourced page about Non-24 broken down by blind and sighted.
Non-24 Calculator
This calculator is helpful for Non-24 patients with a predictable shift.
Many patients do not have a predictable shift (meaning, the amount of forward shift may change from day to day).
Sleep As Android
Sleep tracking for android devices. Costs around $5 including cloud backup; has free options.

Pros: Has a free trial and can be used by watching an ad. Many features including gentle alarms, syncs with smart bulbs through IFTTT or Philips Hue, lullabies, sound recording, Spotify and Play Music integration, and more. Integrates with several watches which track heart rate, such as Mi Band, Galaxy Gear, Garmin, etc.
Cons: Free trial is limited and ads are annoying unless you purchase the app. Limited exporting for graphs useful to Non-24 patients. Screenshots are currently the only way to export the graphs. The sleep time does not wrap around correctly on the graph and leaves the borders of the graph. We contacted the makers and they said this would eventually be fixed in an update.
Their website is (the title links to their Google Play store page).
Sleepmeter Free DISCONTINUED
Sleep tracking for android devices. Unfortunately, this app has been discontinued, but we hope it returns or a similar app is made available.
A small app which lets you manually record the times you sleep/wake and provides many graphs which can show useful information. I use it to get an idea of what my sleep deficit is and to try to predict my sleep patterns for the next few days.

Pros: Free (ad supported but they are unobtrusive, and there is a pay-to-remove option). Easy to use once set up. Has a widget for your home screen so you can tap when you go to bed, and tap when you wake up (time between the “bedtime” tap and “asleep” is configurable, as is the wake-up tap). Very customizable and configurable. Lots of useful graphs and information. Does not rely on device sensors. Can export/import data in CSV format (it’s not quite a standard CSV but it’s close).
Cons: Configuration options might be a bit daunting to some. Requires manual taps to tell it you’ve gone to bed/woken (though I prefer this over sensor based detection as I find it more reliable and it also means I don’t need to leave my phone on charge all night on my bed). Doesn’t seem to be actively updated, but to be fair it does work fine as it is.
Please contact us to suggest more helpful links, videos, and tools.
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